Remember your roots.
I’m Heather.
I’m a weaver of life, meditation & kriya yoga teacher, Vedic astrologer, facilitator of wild mothering goddess circles, mama of three, wife, poet, nature lover & adventurer.
I guide you to remember & embody your magnificence. To trust your inner knowing + the divine timing of your unique life. To invite grace, beauty, love & the wisdom of nature to lead your precious life.

your roots.
You are your own best healer. Your body is always in a cycle of healing & you innately know how to heal.
You have found this space because you’ve been winding through a healing journey & you are ready to take it quantum.
I believe in you. I see your beauty & innate worthiness.
The experience of strength, wholeness & love unbound that you seek is not only seeking you, it’s already within.
You can live the life of fearless adventure, reasonless joy & sacred relationship that you’ve longed for.

Private Coaching, Reiki & Energy Alchemy
We all have a blueprint
Discover your gifts, purpose & sticking points -
Experience the wellspring of light within
Love Notes
Heather is a presence of pure, positive light. The breathwork she teaches has become a tool I can use at anytime, anywhere to improve my mind-state.
Andrea S.
Heather is such a light! You will leave your time with her brighter and renewed. Her breath work is like nothing I've ever practiced before and pushes you to be present in your body and know your power. Her cues are intuitive and natural. Do yourself a favor and spend some time with her!
Theresa H.
Heather translates the everyday into the light, into and out of the soul, and energy. Her wisdom is beyond her years and time, and I love my expansion after every session. I cherish her and the light she shines everywhere!
Kaylen W.
Make Your Life More Blissful
All meaningful change begins within.
When we change ourselves, the change is reflected in every area of our lives. Our kids & families benefit first!
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