Free 15-minute consultation for new clients

This gives us an opportunity to discuss your goals and what’s alive for you right now, so we can define the best path forward.

When you work with me, you receive wisdom & self-realization tools to master your mind, trust in the body’s innate healing responses, and release stored somatic memory, so you feel whole, connect to your deepest truth and purpose + enjoy life as a celebration.

Holistic Yoga & Energy Medicine

These alchemical sessions incorporate energy healing through mulitdimensional reiki and the Yog-Vedantic tradition alongside the whole practice of yoga, creating a transformative journey into embodied wellbeing. These sessions quicken the soul’s learning process, inviting a release of past trauma and somatic memories that hold you in patterns of doubt and negativity, preventing you from being fully present and alive to your life and loved ones.

You can experience inner luminosity, reasonless joy, existential gratitude, and the fundamental bliss of being. You don’t have to be stuck on the level of surviving, gritting your teeth through it, and doing it alone. This life is meant to be enjoyed. These sessions help you tune to ever-greater values of love.

Sessions are uniquely designed to you and may include any variety of pranayama (breathwork), kriya (the yoga of electricity featuring an elevating repeated motion, breath, mantra, or mudra), dhyana (meditation), mantra (sound), asana (movement and postures), and mudras (hand positions or specific gazing points).

These practices are designed to facilitate evolution, expansion, and liberation.

Introductory Session


30 Minutes

One-time offer available to new clients only to get a feel for the work

Single Session


60 Minutes

Session recorded upon request



3 Session Package

Initiation into a daily practice & 3 weekly or biweekly sessions
($111 each)

Transform: Best Value


5 Session Package

Initiation into a daily practice & 5 weekly or biweekly sessions
($108 each)

Initiation & Immersion

Meditation & Sadhana Initiation

These initiations are designed to lead you back to you, so you increasingly experience your own brilliant light, refine the intellect & revitalize on all levels of being: physical, mental, emotional + energetic. This translates to increased vitality, radiance, intuition + deep inner peace.

The impacts of these practices are potent + quick, rippling out beyond you, measurelessly. Your loved ones notice & benefit from these shifts within weeks!


Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means to tune; it refers to our daily spiritual practice, which is where we tune ourselves more expansive frequencies.

Your life is your song. You are the instrument through which your song plays. You are artist & architect of the masterpiece that is your life. When we work together, you gain deeper insight into where you are in harmony + where in discord.

This is a 40-day practice. (54-day or more practices may be discussed on case-by-case basis.)

You receive a personalized daily practice and recording, accessible + specific to you, your birth chart, your unique gifts + dharma.

Includes daily accountability support. Over the course of the 40 days, we meet 4 times for the initiation, check-in, live practice, and integration.

Drawing upon ancient yet timeless yogic technology + Vedic wisdom, the holistic practice may include kriya, meditation, breathwork, mantra + movement. Alongside the practice, we will review your lifestyle + build in simple micro habits to make lasting, cumulative results.


Himalayan Meditation is a kriya + mantra-based technique stemming from the Vedic tradition of Babaji + Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi). This is a comprehensive yet simple technique, including kriya, breathwork + a personal mantra—specifically tuned to you.

Himalayan Meditation Benefits

  • Cleanses + harmonizes the body’s energy, creating alertness + harmony in the system

  • Creates greater brain synchronicity + balance, from back to front + from right to left

  • Normalizes heart rhythm, creating resonance between the heart + brain

  •  Directly stimulates the pineal + pituitary glands—our master glands—which create the fundamental biochemical environment in the body, controlling our cycles of sleep + growth. 

  • Directly stimulates the prefrontal cortex, the seat of self-regulation, higher intelligence, creative mind, where we can respond rather than react. Kids who have access to self-regulation are less likely to participate in self-destructive behaviors as they grow

  • Awakens flow of energy & energetic centers, chakras, along the spine

  • Encourages strength of the spine + the will while softening + opening the heart

When practiced daily, it benefits all aspects of one’s life! Learn more here.


Initiatory coaching program for the client who is dedicated to life transformation and deep personal healing.

In addition to the holistic yoga energy medicine, you will receive a Vedic Astrology reading. Through careful analysis of planetary influences, your natal chart provides a window into your soul’s journey. It’s a highly intricate & individual blueprint of you. Knowledge is power. Understanding where you’ve been, where you are and the energies at play in the planetary season you’re in & where you’re headed is an invaluable tool in your awakening journey.

You’ll be initiated into a Sattva Himalayan meditation practice with personal mantra or a daily spiritual practice specifically aligned to you, your goals, what’s going on in your chart, and what needs balancing in your life at this time.

You’ll receive accountability support, questions for self-reflection, and rituals for integration.

These programs are designed for you to bravely journey on your ongoing path to ever-greater evolution, expansion, and liberation. Gain a true sense of freedom, connect to your truth, and be inspired by all of life and nature.

Fearless Mastery
8 Sessions


2-4 months Coaching Program

Fearless Mastery
12 Sessions


3-5 months Coaching Program includes more frequent check-ins & embodied chakra wisdom

  • All meaningful change begins within. When we change ourselves, the change is reflected in every area of our lives. As we heal ourselves, we heal our children & families.

    Heather Yalin

Booking & Cancelation Policy

Payment is required at time of the appointment booking.
All cancelations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. If cancelation is made within 24 hours of the appointment time, a fee of $60 will be assessed to reschedule that appointment. Not showing up for an appointment or arriving more than 15 minutes late for an appointment will result in a forfeit of payment for that session.