Welcome, Beautiful.

On this gorgeous planet, I’m called to inspire people like you to break out of the trance of unworthiness, dispel limiting beliefs & reconnect to their authentic power. You have gifts to share. Through kriya & kundalini yoga, Vedic astrology, Reiki + practical spiritual techniques, I help you to see your unique abilities. To stop holding back. To step into your purpose.

To Remember. Who. You. Are.

You are sacred & your contribution matters. The impact of your healing journey & its ripples are measureless.

The experience of strength, wholeness & love unbound that you seek is not only seeking you, it is already within!

You can live the life of fearless adventure, reasonless joy & sacred relationship that you’ve longed for.

When you work with me, you receive wisdom & self-realization tools to master your mind + enjoy life as a celebration.

My Story

In my healing journey, I’ve had my share of ups & downs.

I used to be depressed, suicidal, complaining, fearful & so full of rage. For decades, I defined myself by my childhood traumas. I clung to grief yet feigned fine. It felt like I was living a lie.

Through a series of often emotionally abusive & secret relationships, I rooted myself in pain. Seeking something, anything, outside myself to take away my hurt & existential discomfort, I rode a ride of anti-depressants, sleeping pills & an attempted suicide.

Against the recommendation of my psychologist, I left the country to travel across South America, landing at the “end of the world” where I lived for 4 years. I weaned myself off pharmaceuticals, backpacked weekslong at a time through wildernesses & discovered yoga.

With unprocessed anger, abandonment stories & trauma, I continued to search. I dove in the deep end with a Vipassana retreat, with 10 days of silence & several hours of daily seated meditation. I remember going insane trying to decipher what day it was & just how much longer I had left, basically still wishing my time away as if this life I’d chosen was a punishment + not a gift.

It’s after the clarity of this experience that I met my husband. We traveled; we wed; we moved to the United States when I was 7.5 months pregnant specifically to have a natural birth.

In that transformation from woman to mama, I was practically broken. I had a healthy baby, but also so much anger + grief surrounding the birth: The ill-treatment, obstetric violence & the hiding that veils women in postpartum depression.

Confusion + self-rage settled on those early months like a cloud. I didn’t know how to ask for help. Yoga, the support of my husband, journaling, conscious breathing & time eased me out of the fog.

When it came time for my next child, the home birth books arrived at the same time as the early release (miscarriage) of baby. Another miscarriage & pregnancy later, I found myself re-deciding on whether VBAC homebirth was right for me.

Though the successful home birth after cesarean was a transformational process, I was still treading in the pattern of depression & anger once again. Its intensity diminished as my self-realization practice bloomed & my daughter was born at home to a mama well on her spiritual path.

Though the successful home birth after cesarean was a transformational process, I was still treading in the pattern of depression & anger once again. Its intensity diminished as my self-realization practice bloomed & my daughter was born at home to a mama well on her spiritual path.

It’s the times that I surrender into the unknown, that I find support & divine guidance. As the breadwinner of our family, I was called to my first yoga teacher training. And then another, even after being laid off. Out of state moves later, after 500 hours of teacher training already, I traveled to India to the base of the Himalayas to study directly with my teacher, Vedic master Anand Mehrotra. This was a life-altering experience that illuminated my journey even further.

Meditation, breathwork, mantra, Himalayan kriya and kundalini now anchor my life. It’s a constant integration of wisdom gained. Studying Vedic astrology has magnified my insight, understanding & appreciation of the human experience.

This path—its beautiful messes, tears, joys—has led me to this moment, to you. I'm deeply honored and grateful to be here.

All meaningful change begins within.

When we change ourselves, the change is reflected in every area of our lives.

As we heal ourselves, we heal our children & families.

It is possible to experience peace, calm, clarity, joy, gratitude, yes, even bliss—every single day.

No matter the circumstance, we start where we are. And wherever we are is perfect in & of itself.

No more shame, blame, guilt. In this journey, you’re invited to step into loving all the pieces of you, allowing your inner child to express, your heartbreaks & abuses to be integrated into the fiercely beautiful soul that you are.

You are ready to return to your vibrant energy state & step into your magnificence & purpose. You are in the right place. I’m so glad you’re here.

I am here to nourish you back to remembering your true self, to reviving the goddess within, and to trusting yourself above all.


“I am forever grateful and thankful to have your guidance and you in my life. Especially at this time, but what a blessing to have these practices going forward as well.
A journey indeed.”

— Jeanette C.