All meaningful change begins within.

You are sacred & your contribution matters. Becoming aware of + altering your thought patterns + beliefs changes your internal emotional landscape, which then shows up in your external reality.
As within, so without.

Together, we work with these fundamental truths.

  • YOU are your own best healer

  • There is nothing wrong with you; you are not broken

  • What arises in your life arises for your greater unfoldment

  • We live in a loving kind Universe that has your back

  • Every challenge is an opportunity for growth

  • Life is meant to be enjoyed: sensually, energetically & freely

  • Laughter, sunshine, practice & all you do can be medicine

When we work together, you gain tools to:

  • Rewire the brain & master the mind

  • Release biomemory that’s holding you back from living a life of deep meaning, appreciation & bliss

  • Align + activate the energy body + chakras & create heart-brain coherence

  • Shake off conditioning, trauma & addictive patterns

  • Clear emotions & experiences trapped in the body

  • Reconnect with the cycles of nature & Self

  • Rediscover your gifts, so you thrive as the wayshower that you are + step more fully into your purpose

  • Nourish, remother + honor the mother

  • Reawaken your inner divine feminine wisdom

  • Bring harmony to relationships, families & communities

Transformational 1:1 Coaching

Sun heart rock ocean
Transformational coaching

Transformational coaching consists of Alchemy Sessions addressing every aspect of our lives. They are deep healing sessions, where we recalibrate the body. We call in the holistic healing modalities of Reiki, intuitive emotional clearing & yoga—including meditation, breathwork, kriya, movement and wisdom—to create lasting upgrades on the subtle body at the layers of the psyche, emotion, intellect & energy.

Our bodies hold past traumas + emotions, within our own lives & up to 14 generations. These restorative sessions allow healing energy to flow, clearing out the gunk, so it can be processed + returned to the source of its origin, completely transmuted. The healing initiated in these sessions continues to work beyond our time together.

Vedic Astrology Readings

Jyotish is a Sanskrit word translated as the science of light, a mathematically sophisticated & profound form of astrology from the ancient Vedic traditions of India.

Known as the eye of the Veda, “veda” meaning specialized knowledge, Jyotish provides specialized insight & vision into your unique soul's journey.

The eyes are the window to the soul. Through careful analysis of planetary influences, your natal chart provides a window into you. It’s highly intricate & individual blueprint of you. Knowledge is power. Understanding where you’ve been, where you are & where you’re headed is an invaluable tool in your healing journey & continued transformation.

At the moment you took your first breath, you downloaded the energies of the cosmos. Based on the exact time, date & location of your birth, a natal chart reveals how the energy of the planets & constellations impacts all areas of your experience. You contain all the planets + signs of the zodiac & you can cultivate their highest expression in your life.

The power of looking back at your growth + storyline & seeing it all make sense cannot be underestimated. The accuracy might blow your mind & the clarity gained can catalyze that quantum leap you’ve been meaning to make.

It is with deepest compassion & gratitude that I prepare these readings & share the tools and techniques to help you align to your highest self.

Understanding the nature of yourself is the beginning of understanding the nature of everything else.

Yes, these readings can make a world of difference.

arch of stars
Planets nav graha

Initial Natal Chart Reading - 90 min - $222

In a live, interactive call, we deep dive into the major patterns natal chart. I provide simple upayas/ planetary remedies to help you to step into the highest expression of the cosmic energies within you.

Family Charts Reading - 90 min

Review of the intersection of your chart with your kids’ charts. Can also review partner with their permission. Inquire about pricing.

Transits & Followup - 60 min - $133

Transit sessions are recommended every 6-12 months, such as a birthday gift, or as needed after your initial reading. Includes discussion, recommended tools + practices based on current planetary transits & questions.

Himalayan Vedic Meditation
& Sadhana Initiations

sattva vedic meditation

As the bee becomes still when it discovers the flower, so too the mind naturally stills as we enter the knowing quality of silence.

Do you struggle with staying present with your partner, friends, kids, life?

Do you look back at the end of your day + wish you’d done it differently? That you’d been more present + interested in your kids or partner.

Do you:

  • Feel shame & guilt over your adult meltdowns

  • Suffer from insomnia in endless thought loops that you should be doing more for or with your children, partner, business, self

  • Long to feel good in your skin + more connected to yourself, your lover & your family

  • Believe there’s more to existence, than just getting through the day in order to check out at night

  • See people seeming to love their lives on social media + feel envy topped with despair with a side of anxiety

  • Want a deeper, direct spiritual connection to yourself & Divinity, but unsure where to begin

  • Wonder why you’re here; what’s your purpose

The days are long & the years are short. I feel your wounds + heartache. I see how much you care. I see your big heart. I see your light. You are in the right place.

These initiations are designed to lead you back to you, so you increasingly experience your own brilliant light, refine the intellect & revitalize on all levels of being: physical, mental, emotional + energetic. This translates to increased vitality, radiance, intuition + deep inner peace.

The impacts of these practices are potent + quick, rippling out beyond you, measurelessly. Your loved ones notice & benefit from these shifts within weeks!


Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means to tune; it refers to our daily spiritual practice, which is where we tune ourselves more expansive frequencies.

Your life is your song. You are the instrument through which your song plays. You are artist & architect of the masterpiece that is your life. When we work together, you gain deeper insight into where you are in harmony + where in discord.

Let’s practice together. Uplift yourself, your families, your communities. I nourish you back to remembering your true self, to reviving the innocence + wisdom within, to recognizing yourself as your own greatest healer & to returning a state of existential trust.

You receive a personalized daily practice, accessible + specific to you, your birth chart, your unique gifts + dharma.

Drawing upon ancient yet timeless yogic technology + Vedic wisdom, the holistic practice may include kriya, meditation, breathwork, mantra + movement. Alongside the practice, we will review your lifestyle + build in simple micro habits to make lasting, cumulative results.


Himalayan Meditation is a kriya + mantra-based technique stemming from the Vedic tradition of Babaji + Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi). This is a comprehensive yet simple technique, including kriya, breathwork + a personal mantra—specifically tuned to you.

When practiced daily, it benefits all aspects of one’s life!

Himalayan Meditation Benefits

  • Cleanses + harmonizes the body’s energy, creating alertness + harmony in the system

  • Creates greater brain synchronicity + balance, from back to front + from right to left

  • Normalizes heart rhythm, creating resonance between the heart + brain

  •  Directly stimulates the pineal + pituitary glands—our master glands—which create the fundamental biochemical environment in the body, controlling our cycles of sleep + growth. 

  • Directly stimulates the prefrontal cortex, the seat of self-regulation, higher intelligence, creative mind, where we can respond rather than react. Kids who have access to self-regulation are less likely to participate in self-destructive behaviors as they grow

  • Awakens flow of energy & energetic centers, chakras, along the spine

  • Encourages strength of the spine + the will while softening + opening the heart

Daily Meditation & Sadhana Benefits

We know meditation is good for us! Why don’t we all do it? Having a support system while you start a new practice is invaluable. I am passionate about giving you the tools & support you need to get your practice started, so you can love yourself, love your life + honor every day as a celebration.

Here are more beautiful benefits of having a consistent daily practice!

  • Reduces stress, insomnia, anxiety + depression

  • Improves focus, memory + concentration

  • Boosts immune system + longevity

  • Optimizes energy levels

  • Promotes healthy body + emotional wellbeing

  • Strengthens cognitive skills + creative thinking

  • Expands capacity for equilibrium, unshakeable peace + joy

  • Elevates empathy, making way for authentic connecting

  • Increases gray matter volume in areas of the brain responsible for self-regulation, attention, emotional integration, learning, memory, compassion, introspection, creativity + problem-solving.

  • Shrinks gray matter volume in the amygdala, the area of the brain responsible for fight or flight, anxiety, fear + stress

The purpose of meditation is to experience deep silence + pure being, not just the quieting of the mind. We’re not just looking reduce stress, but to transcend it. We’re not just looking to manage life, but to thrive & live fully!

As yoga was brought to the west, it was reduced to more of a physical practice. However, yoga is a holistic science of self-realization, where meditation is foundational. Meditation is the fundamental technology for sanity + it is the base practice of yoga along with mantra. It supports + unlocks deeper experiencing of all other yogic practices.

  • "I'm super excited to have taken the first step with Sattva Himalayan Meditation Initiation. I haven't ever felt this much peace, spaciousness and clarity. I'm filled with gratitude and reverence towards my new practice."

    Hank H.

  • "Before I took Heather's 5 Element Breathwork Immersion, I was struggling to have a daily meditation practice. I found the daily practices delicious and rewarding. Heather’s joyful approach and perspective stoked the fire within me and has me truly looking forward to practice every day."

    Mardalena D.

  • "Thank you so much for these practices. Your classes are so uplifting and joyful, I look forward to the practice in a way I haven’t found myself in a while."

    Margaret T.

  • "Very powerful session. Tears were shed and joy felt! Your teaching is filled with such joy and has brought a lightness to my practice. Building my flame of devotion. Thank you for sharing your light and knowledge!"

    M T

  • "Thank you for sharing your practices! Just last night I prayed for help letting go of reactions with my children and BAM this incredible replay was waiting for me! I felt the thread shifting from obligation, expectation, burden, and heaviness to joy, playfulness, no pressure, lightness. My inbetween spots are dancing right now!!!!"

    Felicia D.

  • "That was a beautiful practice! I picked up meaning for words and actions I hadn’t before considered. It helped me feel the infinite layers and edges of experience, how they are different and connected but still the same…"

    R H