Why Meditate Daily?

The importance of a daily meditative practice cannot be underestimated.

The content can change—breathwork, kriya, asana, mantra, meditation—but showing up for yourself must become the constant in your life.

It’s only when you show up for yourself that you can show up fully for others. Your baseline raises (+ it really is an upward spiral), as your lows just aren’t as low anymore. The natural flow of a life well-lived includes its peaks + valleys. But as you begin to feel more connected to Source, you have a deeper wellspring from which to navigate the valleys.

It’s not about perfection or even elegance (though that also raises naturally), it’s about real life as it is right now. It’s in the right now that the phantoms of the past visit us as demons or as angels. It’s only in the right now that the future seems so frightening. It’s right now that that the unknown is exhilarating or hellacious.

It takes your willingness first + dedication second. Remind yourself of the health benefits (next section) + your why. Write down your reason. Set your san kalpa—sincerest heartfelt intention. Come back to these whenever your dedication flails.

The brain is plastic + malleable forever. You can learn new tricks + apply life-altering (in the best ways!) tools to your toolbelt. Next, I’ll share timeline to help you understand what you’re going through in the first couple months of forging something new + beautiful in your life.


When I was a kid…